Electrical Safety of an Industrial Site
Electrical safety of a production site and medium voltage power supply
Project Type :
Temporary Energy
Location :
Saint-Clair-Du-Rhône (38)

- Ensuring safety while repairing the back-up generator of a production site
- Supplying a medium voltage power supply (MVA)
- Installation of a generator on semi-trailer of 1000 kVA / 400 V / 50 Hz – Electrical security for automatic starting without mains connection
- Generator connection – transformer: set of LV cables H07RNF 240² terminated at each end – 135 m
- HVA container connection:
- 1 step-up transformer of 1000 kVA : 400 V – > 20 kV
- Terminal box connection: set of HV cables with PF250 plug-in terminals at each end
- 1 step-down transformer of 1000 kVA: 20 KV -> 3.3 kV
- Transformer connection – customer cell: set of HV cables with PF250 plug-in terminals at one end and EUIC terminated at the other, under Janoflex conduit
- Commissioning of an additional fuel tank of 3000 litres
- Removal of the installation at the end of the site
- Duration: 20 days