Bypassing Raising Screw Upstream of Wastewater Treatment Plant
Installation and control of a provisional pumping station to by-pass upstream raising screws for a wastewater treatment plant
Project Type :
Pumping Solutions
Location :
La Wantzenau (67)

- To undertake the civil engineering works for a conduit between the upstream raising and the medium grilles of the wastewater treatment plant, the customer has asked us to install and control a provisional pumping station enabling the function of the upstream raising of the WWTP to be ensured.
- Supply, installation and commissioning of a provisional pumping installation of 20 000 m³/h (5.5 m³/s):
- 12 submersible drying pumps of 110 kW (2 of which on the surface on the horizontal frame)
- 3 generators 1 250 kVA (one of which is for back-up)
- 800 m of riser pipes Ø 400
- Automatic control of pumps (start/stop cabinets, speed regulator cabinets)
- Web monitoring (operation of generators, operation of pumps, flow rates pumped, alarms, on-call service)
- 1 site manager + 4 engineers
- Duration: 7 months